

为机器人设置毁灭开关 欧盟或立法将其当人看“金年会金字招牌信誉至上”

来源:点击:时间:2024-10-07 04:47
本文摘要:Europe is preparing for a robot revolution.欧洲于是以策划一场机器人革命。

Europe is preparing for a robot revolution.欧洲于是以策划一场机器人革命。European lawmakers have proposed that robots be equipped with emergency kill switches to prevent them from causing excessive damage. Legislators have also suggested that robots be insured and even be made to pay taxes.欧洲立法者建议为机器人配有应急“吞噬电源”,以避免他们生产相当严重损害。

立法者还建议为机器人投保,甚至还要他们交纳税款。The proposal on robot governance was approved by the European Parliaments legal affairs committee on Thursday. The issue will now be considered by the European Commission, which is the blocs top regulator.12日,欧洲议会法律事务委员会通过了关于机器人管理的议案。欧盟最低监管机构——欧盟委员会将开始审核这一议案。A growing number of areas of our daily lives are increasingly affected by robotics, said Mady Delvaux, the parliamentarian who authored the proposal. To ensure that robots are and will remain in the service of humans, we urgently need to create a robust European legal framework.议案编写者梅迪?德尔沃议员回应,“机器人在日常生活领域的影响更加甚广。

为了保证他们之后为人类服务,我们迫切需要创建一个完善的欧洲法律框架。”Here is what lawmakers have proposed:下面是立法者的议案:Kill switch吞噬电源The proposal calls for a new charter on robotics that would give engineers guidance on how to design ethical and safe machines.议案敦促施行一项新的机器人法案,以指导工程师设计符合道德和安全性标准的机器。For example, designers should include kill switches so that robots can be turned off in emergencies. They must also make sure that robots can be reprogrammed if their software doesnt work as designed.例如,设计者应当重新加入“吞噬电源”以便在应急情况下重开机器人。

他们还必需保证在程序没按照设计运营时可以给机器人新的编写程序。Remember: Its just a robot忘记:这只是一个机器人The proposal also says that robots should always be identifiable as mechanical creations. That will help prevent humans from developing emotional attachments.议案还认为,机器人应当一直被视作机械产物。这有助避免人类对其产生情感憧憬。

The report cites the example of care robots, saying that people who are physically dependent on them could develop emotional attachments.报告以“机器人护理”为事例,认为对机器人有生理倚赖的人类不会产生情感上的憧憬。Whos responsible for misbehaving robots?谁来为机器人的失当不道德买单?The proposal calls for a compulsory insurance scheme - similar to car insurance - that would require producers and owners to take out insurance to cover the damage caused by their robots.议案敦促实行一项与汽车保险类似于的强制保险计划,拒绝机器人生产商和所有者投保赔偿金自己的机器人生产的伤害。Give robots rights?彰显机器人权利?The proposal explores whether sophisticated autonomous robots should be given the status of electronic persons.议案还探究了否应当给与仅有自律精密机器人“电子人”的地位。This designation would apply in situations where robots make autonomous decisions or interact with humans independently.这一定义将限于于机器人展开自律决策或与人类独立国家对话的情况。

It would also saddle robots with certain rights and obligations - for example, robots would be responsible for any damage they cause.机器人还将取得某些权利和义务——例如,机器人将为他们生产的所有损害负责管理。Should robots pay tax?机器人应当纳税吗?If advanced robots start replacing human workers in large numbers, the report recommends the European Commission force their owners to pay taxes or contribute to social security.该报告建议,如果先进设备的机器人开始大量替代人工,那么欧盟委员须要被迫其所有者交纳税款或社保。

EU member states should also consider implementing a universal income to blunt the impact of the job losses.欧盟成员国也不应考虑到统一薪资以增加对失业者的影响。

